Smart security for everyone

Viewing posts from: June 2024

Participation at EuroSatory 2024

by Administrator in News

Our technology and business partner AgentFly Technologies ( participated in EuroSatory 2024 in Paris ( We are glad that we could participate in the preparation and customers from all over the world could see and test our IVISEC system in conjunction with unmanned vehicles.

The footage from the UAV is transmitted to iVISEC and the actual flight of the drone is visualized on a map in parallel. That is not all. Everyone can imagine what technologies on a combat, surveillance or rescue drone can be remotely controlled in real time.

Situational awareness from the scene is the differentiating factor that decides whether a mission ends in success or failure. That is why customers choose an iVISEC system with the unique features necessary for the success of „mission-critical“ operations.?

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Czech Post Security guards large companies

by Administrator in News

The headquarters and branches of the company OMEXOM GA Energo (part of the VINCI Energies holding) are one of the companies newly guarded by the CP Security (daughter company of the Czech Post). CP Security utilize the iVISEC system to provide remote security monitoring services from its surveillance center.

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